Leasing Services
The Facilities Management Division (FMD), Leasing Team is responsible for the procurement of leased space statewide per the provisions of the “State Agencies Leasing Real Property, 1 NMAC 5.21 (link below), commonly referred to as the “Leasing Rule” per the Statutory Authority 15-3-2 NMSA 1978 (link below). The objective of this rule is to establish a fair, uniform, clear and effective process to regulate leasing property owned by private entities as office space or special use facilities for state executive agencies under the jurisdiction of FMD.
All executive branch agencies must initiate a request for a new lease or an amendment to a active lease by completing the form in the link below:
Designated Leasing Services Staff
Bernadette Flores | Bernadette.Flores@gsd.nm.gov | (505) 500-6093 |
Daryl Lewis | Daryl.Lewis@gsd.nm.gov | (505) 660-5588 |
Jordan Moya | Jordan.Moya@gsd.nm.gov | (505) 629-7971 |
Mariana Juarez | Mariana.Juarez1@gsd.nm.gov | (505) 400-0108 |
Marty Two-Bulls | Marty.Two-Bulls@gsd.nm.gov | (505) 690-1484 |
Each Leasing team member is assigned specific agencies, please contact us for the most recent agency assignments.
Once your request has been assigned the Leasing team will provide guidance and direction working closely with the agency’s point of contact on the diverse needs of each agency.
Note: Only designated members of the Leasing team have the authority to negotiate on behalf of the state for the best possible leased price based upon on current market trends.
State Leasing Manager
Teresa Arias | Teresa.Arias1@gsd.nm.gov | (505) 412-2001 |