Welcome to the Office of Mitigation, Prevention & Resolution
Thank you for your interest in services provided by the Office of Mitigation, Prevention & Resolution. To learn more, please contact us at Work.Together@gsd.nm.gov.
Our Mission
Created by statute in 2007, the state Office of Mitigation, Prevention & Resolution Alternative promotes the use of training, Restorative Practices and Mediation by and within state governmental agencies as an efficient way to improve workplace relationships, save money and conserve state resources.
Office of Mitigation, Prevention & Resolution Program Brochure (pdf)
Our Services
Our program offers mediation for early, “in-house” dispute resolution and positive collaboration among state employees, supervisors, managers and agencies.
Mediation Services
Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process in which neutral third parties help individuals communicate more productively to prevent or resolve problems. Our office coordinates a network of skilled and experienced mediators to respond to requests for direct assistance, as well as forms and guidelines for mediation participants.
How Do You Request Mediation?
Most state agencies have a designated Agency Coordinator who can assist you with your request for mediation. If you do not know who your agency’s Agency Coordinator is, or if your agency does not have one, contact the Office of Mitigation, Prevention & Resolution for assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Presentations & Training
Our office conducts outreach and public education presentations on how to access services, as well as training in communications, safety and work-place relationships.
Upcoming Training Events
We are available to consult on your agency’s needs.