Industrial UI Services


State of New Mexico

Jessica Robinson
Phone: (845) 634-4620 option 3

Darci Sheinberg
Phone: (845) 634-4620 option 3

What is Industrial and what is their involvement?
The state of New Mexico has retained Industrial UI Services (IUI) to represent them in all matters pertaining to Unemployment Insurance, including unemployment claims management, hearings representation, unemployment benefit auditing, and consultation services. This partnership has commenced as of January 1, 2025.  Your unemployment insurance account executives are Jessica Robinson and Darci Sheinberg.

Why do Unemployment Claims not come to our state agency offices?
Industrial UI Services is the address of record for the State of New Mexico for purposes of receiving documents related to Unemployment Insurance matters. This includes all unemployment claims (electronically through the SIDES exchange service), hearing notices, benefit charges, etc.

Industrial UI Services will communicate via email unemployment activity, please confirm your location accepts the email domain ‘’. IUI utilize a secure online portal to allow a seamless transfer of communication and documentation between the state locations and IUI for the specific location.  Each individual will receive a unique login. For assistance with the online portal, please contact ‘’.

There may be instances when a document does not follow the address of record procedure.  If documentation pertaining to unemployment insurance is received, please forward the documentation to ‘’.  An experienced representative will review the documentation and advise any additional steps that may need to be taken.

What is the purpose of the program? Who can file?
To provide subsistence to those who are Involuntarily unemployed through No Fault of their own. Anyone can file. The unemployment division will decide if someone is eligible based on information given by the claimant and the employer.

Why am I getting called on claims for someone that worked for us over a year ago?
The employers that are potentially charged on an unemployment insurance claim are the employers that paid wages to the past employee during the first 4 of the 5 previous full calendar quarters. Look at when the claim is filed to determine if your wages fall into the chargeability period (base period).

How many weeks is an employee eligible to draw benefits?
A claimant is eligible to draw benefits for up to 26 weeks.  This may be extended due to emergencies or levels of high unemployment.

Who do you notify if you have concerns or information on the claimant’s eligibility when you are communicated with on a claim?
If a call is received requesting separation information relative to a former employee of your location, please request that the representative contact Industrial UI Services.

Does Industrial UI have the current contact information for your agency?
If you are a new contact for the unemployment claims at your agency, please be sure to notify Industrial UI. If you have a contact change at your location, please fill out the attached data contact change form and provide it to ‘’.

Location Contact Update Form

Information Needed Upfront On Initial Protest
As of October 2013, the Federal Integrity Act could be excluding the employer from being a party to the claim if their initial protest is generic or lacking enough detail and could impose fines on the claims administrator. The Agency is then charged for benefits no matter what information we have and did not present.  This could be up to $7,384 on any one claim plus the penalty imposed.

Industrial UI needs ALL details of incident for our initial protest.

If Discharge:

  • Copies of relevant warnings
  • Copies of detailed separation documents
  • Any exhibits that pertain to separation (handbook policies, witness statements, audio/visual, etc.,)

If Voluntary Quit:

  • Copies of resignation letter/email
  • Separation notice if signed or refused to sign –in lieu of resignation letter,
  • Witness statements from person/s that heard the person quit if nothing in writing