The finishing section is the last section for your printing job. The finishing section can assemble, collate, count, cut, drill from 1 to 5 holes, number, pad and shrink wrap your project. Once the printed material is bound, it can be shrink wrapped individually or in sets of multiple pieces.
Binding types available
Your documents speak volumes about you even before people read it. We have the capability to provide several types of binding for your project. While the most cost effective method of binding a project is saddle stitching, each type of binding has a different purpose. We aim to efficiently balance form with function to create neat, professional materials that endure the demands of everyday use. Please contact your Customer Service Representative to determine the best and most cost efficient finishing method for your project.
Spiral or Coil Binding [insert image]
Book binding that is a continuous spring-shaped spiral. This type of binding allows documents to lie flat when open. Accommodates thicknesses up to 2+”. (Note: holes for the coils are punches about ⅜” from the paper edge.)
Perfect Binding [insert image]
Perfect binding works on publications with at least 40 pages and will accommodate bound books from 1/8” to 1½” in thickness. This involves adhesive, which is glued along the edges of the text sheets and binds the text to a wraparound cover. This type of binding is good for books that do not need to lay flat.
Saddle Stitching [insert image]
When your multi-page piece, magazine or newsletter, needs to be bound with two staples on the spine it is called saddle stitching. Your piece is laid onto our machine like a saddle on a horse, hence – ‘saddle’ stitching. (Note: booklets that bleed or have page numbers near the outer edge are at risk during final trim. Try to accommodate for this in your design.)
Other services also available
We can gather and arrange sheets in a desired sequence using manual or machine collating.
The number of sides cut (and hence the price) depends on the size of the finished document and the thickness of the paper. Cutting can be provided for cards, forms, pads, tickets, etc., just ask for an estimate.
We can drill multiple pieces of paper at a time for binder insertion. Save yourself time and money by using standard hole punching. 3-hole is standard, which is 3 holes on the side, but any pattern is possible. We can punch up to five holes in one pass; 1/4” is a standard size, though we also have other sizes.
Give your piece that extra punch with embossed artwork. We can emboss or deboss on your piece to give it that special something. It is the process of pressing paper into a relief shape. It can be used in projects as simple as creating a custom folder, or the design of a dynamic invitation.
We have machines capable of producing letter folds, half folds, and “Z” (or accordion) folds. If your piece is going to mail keep these layout tips in mind when developing your piece.
From forms to tickets we can consecutively number your items in any increment needed.
We can pad plain paper into notepads or NCR (no carbon required) paper into multi-page forms. The standard number of sheets per pad is 25, 50, or 100, but a different number of sheets per pad may be selected.
We can convert you paper documents to a digital graphic or text file. This is very convenient if your office is not equipped with a scanner or the proper software.
Scoring or Perforating
Scoring is used before folding if the job is printed on cover weight stock, to create an accurate and neat fold line. Certain jobs require scoring and not folding, for a professional look when the customer is to finish the fold. Perforating is for jobs with tear-offs. Slot perforations, for cards, are also available.
Shrink Wrapping
Keeping your pieces together has never been this easy. Ask for your order to be bundled in easy to manage packages for distribution.
A wide variety of equipment is on hand to provide these services. If we cannot provide a certain service in-house, such as foil stamping, or tractor feed forms, arrangements will be made with an outside vendor to bring your project to completion. A Customer Service Representative can explain the options available and make suggestions to fit each customer’s unique printing project.
Side Stitching
If you have a small booklet, around ¼”, an economical way to bind it would be side stitching. Two staple are placed parallel to the spine near the left edge. (Note: keep images and type well away from the binding edge so they don’t get covered up.)
Variable Data Printing
We now offer variable data printing (VDP). VDP (or personalized printing) produces a document that is customized for each recipient. You can use variable data printing with many different types of printed pieces, such as direct mail or mail-merge letters, newsletters, promotions, invitations, and flyers. Please contact a Customer Service Representative to see how you can benefit from this great service.