Our prepress department is the heart of the production process. Prepress handles most output options including color copy, black and white copy and computer-to-plate press printing. We also specialize in graphic design, layout, image scanning, image editing and CD duplication.
Although our graphic art specialists enjoy creating original pieces for you, they are always happy to work with your creations. We encourage you to view our Suggestions on Submitting Your Files to State Printing Center. The information will guide you in providing us with the files needed to expedite your job quickly and efficiently through the prepress process.
At the present time, we support both Macintosh and PC platforms. Software supported by us includes:
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Acrobat
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
- Microsoft Publisher
- Microsoft Word
We will make every effort to accommodate your printing needs. Contact a Customer Service Representative for additional information or assistance.