Training Reference Materials
- SPD REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP) PROCUREMENT GUIDE.This is a nationally recognized guide on how to do RFP based procurements the right way. The guide contains extensive real-life examples and compliments SPD’s three day RFP class. Download RFP Procurement Guide
- DFA/CRB & SPD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DETERMINATION GUIDANCE.This 3 page document reflects a joint CRB & SPD position on determining whether a particular service can be considered “professional” or not. Download Professional Services Determination Guidance
- eProcurement Project – Phase I of the e-procurement project solidified the procurement business processes by applying consistency in the procurement process and streamlining the usage of commodity codes. Enhanced control over the data input through leveraging data already loaded into SHARE provides better consistency in reporting functionality. This project adjusted the configuration of the existing purchasing module of SHARE. The following links provide the “how to” steps to accurately enter data into SHARE and will provide guidance to Agency procurement staff who are responsible for data entry tasks
SHARE Tips – Information and Instructions
SHARE Homepage
SHARE Tips - Agency Procurement Contract
SHARE Tips - Creating a Requisition
SHARE Tips - Creating a Requisition for an RFQ
SHARE Tips - Creating a Zero-Price Requisition