Motor Pool Garage
The Transportation Services Division Motor Pool Garage is a full service maintenance shop that performs a variety of services for state controlled motor vehicles. The services that are provided range from engine replacement to preventative maintenance activities.
The Motor Pool Garage is under the supervision of a certified ASE Master Automotive technician who has ASE certified automotive technicians performing the services.
Some of the services the garage provides include:
- Tire repairs and replacement
- Regular scheduled maintenance
- Front end repairs
- Alignments
- Brakes
- Diagnostics
- Transmission rebuilds
- Engine repair or replacement
- Electrical repairs
The Motor Pool Garage personnel are also responsible for ensuring that vehicle repairs performed by contracted vendors are done in accordance with acceptable ASE required practices. The Motor Pool Garage will also provide towing and lock out services in the Santa Fe vicinity.
Service cost for leased vehicles is included in the monthly lease rate. For any other state government vehicle the labor rate is $20.00 per hour plus cost of parts.
To schedule your next maintenance appointment, please call @ 827-1953 or just stop by. Our mechanics will be happy to assist you!